Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Windhammer 2014 Review: Tales Of A Captain: To Recruit A Daemon

When I started reading the entry, I was pumped up. The introduction was humorous, the game system was very creative and fresh, and the powers that I get to use sounded very powerful. But sadly, I felt really disappointed once I was done.

Tales Of A Captain: To Recruit A Daemon is a game where I got to play as a Captain... of something, and I had to recruit a daemon... for some reason. There was actually not much background in this entry. All I knew was I had awesome powers but am unsure how they worked.

As I pressed on, I had a really hard time following what was happening. Judging by the words used, I think there were lots of explosions, cosmic radiations, and forceful impacts. The story was so confusing, it got to the point where I gave up and just randomly picked a choice and hopefully don't die. Or, in short, I felt like I was reading a Micheal Bay movie.

The game system had potential. To make a choice, I select the power I want to use. Each power has a number next to it. I add the number to the entry I am currently in and flip to that passage. Simple. However, it failed to impress. The game was science fiction, but the author did not explain how physics works in this setting and in extension the author also did not state how my powers actually worked. To make matters worse, make a wrong choice of powers, you may just stumble upon instant death!

To better illustrate, here is an example:

Pulating VoidBalls, hundreds, denser, and are glowing, you move forward and they veer towards you attracted to matter. How are you going to get past them?
Me: "What are VoidBalls? It has got the word Void so er spherical Voids? But you said in the beginning Void is absence so how does it have density? Well gonna use PosiArts then." *Flip*
The power attracts the VoidBalls. Game Over
Me: "What? But says in the intro void is absence, absence is negative, and opposite of negative is positive. So my PosiArts which were positive energy should have cancelled out the VoidBalls! Fine, maybe that is not how it works. So lets try Dimension Well. says in the intro it could potentially punch through void energy kinda cancelling each other out." *Flip*
The attack swarms from every side and your well cannot stop it. Game Over.

This is an entry with a lot of potential. Perhaps with better narration and explanation of the in-world physics. This can be a solid entry.

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