Friday, 17 October 2014

Windhammer 2014 Entries: Quick Review

Played all the entries in this year's (2014) Windhammer Short Gamebook Competition. Some of the entries are really good and I enjoyed reading them.
Check them out at Windhammer Prize 2014. Please vote and/or comment! It means alot to us!

Now, let me summarize all the entries in one sentence and a picture so you guys know what to expect. In no particular order:

1) The Tomb of Aziris by Sam Beaven
"Go dungeon, get treasure, get out, don't die."

2) Problem? by Andy Moonowl
"FUUUUU!!! Curse the author's devious sense of humor!"

3) Archipelago of Omens by Richard Penwarden
"Screw the story, my character sheet is the coolest thing in this book."

4) The Puttbuster Initiative: Spacetime Golfcrush by Philip Armstrong
"Title says it all, play silly golf in the multidimensional space!"

5) Tales of a Captain: To Recruit a Daemon by Stefano Rochi
"Dragonball-like battle in space, if only I can understand what the author is writing."

6) Path of Heresy by Ivailo Daskalov
"Date a demon."

7) Why Don't They Leave The House? by Nicholas Stillman
"A horror book, very disturbing horror book."

8) The Sacrifice by Paul Struth
"Investigate Occult magic in Victorian London."

9) Castle of Spirits by Tammy Badowski
"Go dungeon, kill boss, get out, don't die."

10) The Empire's Edge by Chan Sing Goh
"I wrote it. Rule Britannia!"
Full reviews forthcoming!


  1. Hahaha. This is great. Those pictures are perfect. Especially the Transformers one for Puttbuster. Sums it up real nicely.

    Looking forward to your reviews!

  2. I am happy that you liked it. I liked your entry very much and will definitely give you a heads up when the review is posted.

  3. Hi ChanSing,

    I just found your blog after browsing the Windhammer winners. Congratulations!
    I make tools for making digital gamebooks and I'm interested in publishing an excerpt (or more, if you're willing) of The Empire's Edge as part of a example on how to make such gamebooks digitally.
    I'd love to feature a small part, or perhaps even more, of your story. If you're interested in participating, send me an email (chris @!

